Silica Gel is an amorphous and porous form of silicon dioxide. Pharmaceutical/Nutraceutical products are subjected to moisture, the more care needs to take on storage and packaging till its shelf life, Silica Gel desiccant Sachets from OREM helps to protect products from moisture degradation and helps to maintain the shelf-life, also keeps the products fresh for a long time and maintain dry packaging environment.

SilicagelsachetsandcanistersfromOREMarethemostwidelyusedinthe industry in primary packaging for the adsorption of moisture.



Silica Gel is an amorphous and porous form of silicon dioxide. Pharmaceutical/Nutraceutical products are subjected to moisture, the more care needs to take on storage and packaging till its shelf life, Silica Gel desiccant Sachets from OREM helps to protect products from moisture degradation and helps to maintain the shelf-life, also keeps the products fresh for a long time and maintain dry packaging environment.

SilicagelsachetsandcanistersfromOREMarethemostwidelyusedinthe industry in primary packaging for the adsorption of moisture.

SilicaGeldesiccantSachets/CanistersarefilledwithSilicaGelgranules that containhigh-speedmoistureadsorption,thesedesiccantSachets/Canisters have the ability to control moisture,rust,mold, andmilddew, andotherdeteriorationcausedbymoisture.

SilicagelsachetsandcanistersfromOREMarethemostwidelyusedinthe industry in primary packaging for the adsorption of moisture.

Sachetsareavailableinboth,cut&rollform,Sachetsincutformcanbefedintothebottledirectly.Inthe caseof rollform,itrequirestomountoncutting machine which are directly dispensed into the bottle. Canistersbecauseoftheirrigidnessinnatureareidealforautomatichigh-speedinsertioninpharmaceutical/nutraceuticalpackaging.Canistersarefedthroughahoppersystem,allowingforseamless,constantinsertion.

Silica Gel desiccant Sachets/Canisters are non-toxic and follow USFDA standards, used inpharmaceutical/Nutraceuticalindustriesfor specializedpackaging.SachetsandCanistersare available invarioussizesandalsoaspercustomerrequirement. Thesystemusedtoensurethequalityof theproduct